Join Us
Our members are an integral part of our organisation. They are vital to our work and we are hugely appreciative of their support. The income from membership subscriptions is of great benefit to us and aids our running costs.
If they choose to then members can also support us by volunteering at working bees, assisting with bird monitoring, or in any other way they can. If you have any particular skills you can bring to the team then please feel free to let us know. And see here for more information about volunteering.
If you would like to become a member please fill out the contact form below and we will email you with details of how to join.

The annual cost of membership is:
Student – $15 minimum (proof of student status required)
Individual – $20 minimum
Joint – $30 minimum
Family – $40 minimum
Or you can join for life for:
Individual life $250 minimum
Joint life $350 minimum
Corporate $250 minimum
To join please complete the form below and we will let you know how to complete payment by bank transfer.