
Running an organisation is an expensive business. We rely completely on funding, and the generosity of people who share our passion for what we do. The importance of our work in preserving the native environment cannot be overstated, and community conservation groups such as ours play a huge role in protecting species from extinction. 

Donations to help with the day to day operation of MOWS are always very much appreciated, and if your donation is over $500 you can specify on which project, piece of equipment, or general area you would like it to be spent.

You can donate online through Bay Conservation Alliance by following the link below and selecting Maketu Ongatoro Wetland Society from the dropdown list.

You can also donate by direct bank transfer to our Kiwibank account: 38-9009-0650959-01. We do accept cheques as well which can be mailed to our Chairman; Julian Fitter, 21 Ngaparaoa Drive, RD9, Te Puke, 3189.

We are a Registered Charity so all donations over $5 are allowable against your personal tax bill. We will send you a receipt to enable you to claim this tax deduction.

If you made a donation by one of the above methods, or if you would like to, then please fill out the form below with details of the donation amount and an email address to send your receipt to.

For more information about how to get involved please see our Volunteer and Join Us pages.

Thank you!